Easy Garden Vegetables To grow |




Easy Garden Vegetables To grow

You can’t beat home grown vegetables! Having a garden shed is a great way to organise your hobby and keep healthy. Use your garden shed as a dry, secure storage space for your garden growing tools, as well as a growing area for various vegetables.

The easiest garden vegetables to grow are:

Tomatoes – They are one of the most popular veg plants to grow and can easily be grown from seeds. If you’re growing them outdoors they can be sown from late March, but if you are opting to grow in a greenhouse, you can start sowing from late February.

  • Easy to grow
  • Perfect for a greenhouse

Potatoes – Many people think of potatoes as a difficult crop, but ‘early’ varieties are trouble-free. They are planted in late February and early March and harvested 10 to 20 weeks later.

Potatoes need very deep soil, so it may be worth growing them in a raised bed or a container like a dustbin. Keep pushing soil up around the stems as they grow to create a mound, and harvest when the leaves turn yellow.

  • Early varieties give trouble free growing
  • Suited to planting in deep beds

Green Beans -Broad beans and runner beans are easy veg to grow for beginners. Like peas, they need a support system made from bamboo canes or a wire frame.

Sow directly into the ground in April and harvest from June onwards. Pick the veg constantly to keep the plant vigorous. If you’re short of space, try a dwarf variety that grows like a little bush – it’s great for containers too.

  • Great for beginners
  • Bamboo canes are required to support them

Chillies – As we continue to get more adventurous in the kitchen, chillies are becoming more and more popular. Surprisingly, chilli plants grow well in Britain, if they are kept warm. The hotter the variety, the more warmth it will need to ripen, so choose something like a mild cayenne variety for the best results.Sow the seeds indoors on a warm windowsill in spring and move the plants outside in May. Keep watered and harvest from July onwards. Picking the fruit regularly will ensure the plant puts its energy into producing more fruit.

  • Warm is required to grow chillies
  • Better suited for growing indoors or in a potting shed

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