Why You Should Install A Garden Room & Benefits




Why You Should Install a Garden Office

The evolution of technology and the way we live our lives has created a shift in the way we work. More and more people are removing themselves from the daily commute and office life and opting to work from home or seek for alternative places to do their jobs. However, to be productive in your work, when at home, you need an appropriate environment. Which is why the option to install a garden office has significantly grown in appeal in recent times.

While working from home offers distinct advantages such as flexibility and removing yourself from hustle and bustle of commuting to the office, there can be also be distractions.

Obviously, a spare room in your house can offer you the chance to create a perfectly practical office. However, there remains the possibility that other aspects of the home start to encroach your working area; be it the sound of a television or the activities of other house dwellers.

A garden office, on the other hand, can offer the opportunity to create a space that’s comfortable and detached enough to keep your work and home life suitably separate.

So, what are the key benefits on offer when you install a garden office?

Let’s examine.

An Extra Room Without the Planning Permission

An Extra Room Without the Planning Permission

For those who want to create an office at home but don’t have the spare room to do so, one option might be to consider building an annex or extension to the home.

Of course, this is likely to be quite a costly project. Furthermore, if you’re extending your existing property then there’s the added hassle of having to apply for planning permission from your local authority, waiting for approval before you get to proceed.

A garden office, on the other hand, can be a relatively straightforward way to get that extra room. And, in the majority of cases, planning permission is not required for their construction, meaning a lot less hassle and paperwork and the chance of getting the office built and ready for use in a much quicker time frame.

Of course, you should always check with your local authority before you start – just to be certain.

Keeping Your Mind on the Job

By installing a garden office, you are creating a space at home that’s entirely dedicated to your work.

Your office allows you to have a single area in your home that’s entirely organised for your work activities, allowing you to stay focused on your job, maximising your productivity in an environment that’s entirely set up the way that you want it to be.

An office designed to your tastes and your requirements, a working environment that you’ll enjoy spending time within, and allowing you to work in the most effective, and pleasant, way possible.

Keeping Work and Home-Life Separate

Home-working can often mean that the boundaries between work and non-work can get blurred. This can have the detrimental effects on both parts of your life. Distractions from the home that can get in the way of your work, on the one hand; a sense that you can never leave your work behind on the other.

A garden office solves this problem for you.

For while your office is, as already mentioned, your dedicated place of work, it also allows home-workers to retain a separation between work and home-life.

Helping Flexible Working

Modern working arrangements grow ever more flexible as more and more people leave the traditional office working environment behind.

This has also led to the rise of workers no longer bound to the traditional 9 to 5 routine of work.

Flexible working is not only the opportunity to work in a location that suits your circumstances, but also at times that are more suited to your lifestyle.

Your garden office is, of course, your place of work, and an office that lends itself perfectly to the concept of flexible working.

Different to the traditional office space, with its limitations on accessibility, your garden office is always available to you. Morning, noon or night, weekdays or weekends, you have the ability to work when it suits you; perfectly aiding the work-life balance that you crave.

Garden Offices Offer a Creative Workspace

A garden office can provide a great space for you to be at your most creative.

Think of some of the great writers of the past; Roald Dahl, Ernest Hemingway or Dylan Thomas. All of whom found that dedicated space in the home, offering both the seclusion and surroundings they needed to create some of the greatest works of the past century.

Of course, you don’t need to be a great artist to reap the benefits. Whatever your occupation, a garden office can provide the environment needed to get the creative juices sufficiently flowing.

It offers an elegant, attractive alternative to more traditional offices, allowing you to create a workspace that offers not only comfort and practicality, but an area that reflects your personal tastes and style, providing you with the inspiration from which to create your best work.

A Sturdy Alternative to Converting Your Shed

OK, so rather that install a garden office, you look to convert your existing shed into a workspace instead.

That’s fine, if your shed is big enough then it’s certainly an option.

But it you are looking at a long-term working solution, then this particular short-cut might prove something of a false economy.

A garden office provides a sturdy, versatile additional room in your home that will be long-lasting in a way that your converted shed will not.

And, if your days of home working come to an end, then a garden office can be easily converted from a place of work to a haven of leisure as a summer room or similar; bringing further added value to the home.

A Cost-Effective Solution

For many homeowners, garden offices represent a savvy long-term investment. Installation of a well-designed wooden office can be relatively inexpensive, yet can add an attractive and practical space that can play its part in the increase of the property’s re-sale value.

Furthermore, by creating a space in the home that enables more productive and higher quality work, so it becomes an investment that can, over time, pay for itself.


If you happen to fall into the growing category of people who are eschewing the traditional working experience of commuting to the office for a 9-5 day, for the efficiency and work-life enhancing qualities of home-working, then a garden office is a solution that should be highly considered.

An affordable alternative to extensions in your property, they can provide a dedicated space in your home that enables you to produce high-quality, productive work, while retaining a sense of separation between your job and your home life.

All within an elegantly crafted design, matching your tastes, your surroundings and your requirements.

To learn more about the benefits of installing a garden office in your home, why not speak to a consultant today.

In Post Image Credit: stux  / Pixabay

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